Common and Underthought Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Written World

Hello again, writers, authors, and pen-and-paper extraordinaires!
Today, as promised, I am going to talk to you guys about a common thing that a lot of fictional writers struggle with: World-building. Now at first, world-building sounds like one of the most thrilling things ever. You get to build your own world completely from scratch. You start out with a blank globe and get to build from the ground up. You get to plot countries, nations, mountains, and oceans wherever you feel like. You get to name cities. You get to decide the power structure. You get to form the government, build structures, form companies, create your own animals and plants. You get to decide how the solar system orbits and how many planets are in it. You get to make the laws, not follow them. You get to get to weave the very fabric of your own universe. Only you get to know the origin of your universe. When it comes to world-building, the possibilities are endless.
There are also some struggles that come along with structuring your own universe. Coming up with a completely original world unlike any other out of nothing without making it to much like the world we live in isn't exactly easy.
Sometimes, the reason we have so much trouble making something original is because we are asking ourselves one question : "How do I make this original?" Instead, we should be asking ourselves several questions. Once we answer those several, little questions, they come together to form one, big original piece.
There are several little parts to a universe we take for granted, so when it comes to time to make ours, we struggle to come up with those little, tiny pieces. But when we look at those tiny pieces closely, one at a time, we can often figure out how the whole puzzle fits together.
So today, I am going to introduce to a list of common as well as under-thought questions that can help you build the world in your story, and some resources
This post comes as part of series of posts I am writing during the 2018 Write on My Way Summer Writing Contest running from June 24th- August 7th. This particular post is part of a three part series about world building. In the next two parts we'll be discussing how to make maps, decided where to put geographical features in your world, creating animals and languages, and more.
The list below is arranged by different aspects of your world such and questions to answer about them such as structure, food, society, animals, plants, medicine and diseases, and religions and cultures. Feel free to print out the list below and use it as a form for your book if you want! These questions are designed to make you think, so they can be used for writers just figuring out how to build their world, and for those who have a basic understanding of what they want their world to be like, but still want to structure it a bit more.
While I was writing my first book, Districts of Dust, I had to do a lot of world-building, and I still struggle with it. So let's begin with some questions for the basic elements needed to build your world:

Structure is pivotal when creating an original fictional world. In order to build a world from scratch, you need a base. Structure has anything to do with the basic formation or concept of your world. After the structure is formed and put in place, the inner workings of your world, universe, or country can be plotted out.
. Where does your world exist? Is it part of a solar-system? Is it a planet, or is it just a region on a planet? If it's a region, is it the only one?
.How did your world come into existence (creation,evolution, big bang, or something else)?
.How big is your world or region?
. How long would it take to walk across your region or around your world by foot? (For instance, Ireland 486km long, so it would take you about 14 days to walk across it by foot. For North America, it would take 4 months. It would take 28 days to walk across the UK)
.What are some key cities in your world, and what are they known for/named after?
. Are there any tourist locations in your world, or places everyone seems to one visit? Why is that place a popular destination?
. What are some places in your world people desperately try to avoid? Why? What dangers does that place bring?
.Do you humans exist in your world?
.What kind of races/species exist in your world?
.How advanced is technology in your world? Or what kind of technology exists?
. What is the biggest difference between your world and the real world we live on?
. Are some cities/regions more advanced than others? How so?
.Do vehicles or means of transportation exist in your world?
. Which regions are the most populated? Which are the most desolate? Is there a reason?
.What color is the sky in your world?
.How many countries are there in your world?
.How many oceans are there in your world?
.Are there any things or phenomena in your world that cause natural disasters? (Volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunamis)
.Are there any things or phenomena in your world that cause natural disasters? (Volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunamis)
.Where is the best place to live in your world? Why is it the best place to live?
.Where is the worst place to live in your world? Why is it the worst place to live?
.Why exactly does your world exist? (Think like a god for a minute. What is the purpose of your world?)
.What is your world's destiny?

Society is the collection of people, races, and species that populate your world. Society determines the direction and definition of your world. The people and species that inhabit your world are probably the most
. What are the different races that exist in your world?
. Can different species be as advanced as others and interact with each other? (In other words, are there species that would function and contribute to society the same humans in the real world do?)
. Which species is the most advanced in your world? (In other words, who are the "humans" in your world?)
. What does the average "person" in your world look like?
.Does racism exist in your world?
.What races or species tend to be discriminated against in your world?
. What races or species tend to target other races or species or view themselves as "better"?
. Is there any social structure or "caste" in your world? How does it work?
. Are there any different cultures in your world?
. Does culture appropriation exist in your world?
. What things does society in your world expect everyone to understand? (Common sense)
. Do different languages exist in your world?
. Do people from different regions, countries, or ethnicities have an accent when trying to learn a second language?
. What are some talents or hobbies people in your world might have?
. What do neighborhoods look like in your world? Are there high-cost and low-cost neighborhoods? "Trashy" neighborhoods? "Fancy" neighborhoods? Do people live in standard "houses"? What can people expect from their neighbors?
. What are some things that are considered "taboo" in your world?
. Are there different religions in your world?
. Do people still crave love, attention, and partnership in your world?
. How do different species in your world reproduce or come into being? (sexually, asexually, artificially?)
. Are there any newly-discovered species in your world?
. Are there any major diseases in your world?
. How do people prevent sickness in your world? (Vaccines, medicine, medical exams?)
. What do people or other species consider "rude" in your world?
. What do businesses and companies look like in your world? How are they formed? What is the most profitable business in your world?
. What do people or other species learn in school in your world?
. Do celebrities exist in your world? Why would they be famous?
. What would you expect to see on the front of a newspaper in your world? What about on the cover of a gossip magazine?
. What are some forms of entertainment, and where can people go to see them?
. What is the main issue your world faces?
. Does your world have a political system? What are some "political" views people have, and can political views ruin a relationship between two people in your world? How so?
. Can people choose who they marry?
.How do people age in your world?
. How are babies cared for?
. How are kids raised? What are some things their parents try to prepare them for?
. What are the most important jobs in your world?
. What are some jobs that exist in your world that definitely couldn't exist in the real world?
. Are there any protests in your world? What about?
. Does war exist in your world? Why?
. How are houses and buildings made? What do they look like?
. Is there anything in your world or universe that the inhabitants are trying to discover or figure out? (For instance, another planet, or a hidden treasure, or why something is the way it is)?
. Who would be looked up to as a role model in your world? Why?
. Is it possible for people in your world to be "rich" and "poor"? What is considered "rich", and what is considered "poor"?
. Do people in your world have relationships with their families? Do they contact them, see them, or live with them? How often and when?
. At what age are people or species considered adults in your world?
. How do people contact each other? (Phone, text, letters, something else?)
. Can people nominate and vote for leaders in your world?
. What are some things people can't control that they may be criticized for? (Disability, skin color, learning disability)?
. What are some things people CAN control that they may be criticized for? (Tatoos, piercings, dyed hair)?
. Do stress, anxiety, and depression exist in your world? If so, what could cause them?
. How do people receive information or news in your world?
. Can people in your world choose the jobs they have? Or does something else determine it?
. What do clothes in your world look like? Do different species or groups of people wear different clothes?
. What physical appearances would be thought of as "attractive" in your world? Do people have different standards?
.Does your world have "beauty standards"?
. What is considered "brave" in your world's society?
. What are some morals your world's society has? Why are these important to them?
. What is considered "inappropriate" in your society?
. How does gender work in your world? Are there more than two? Does it not exist at all? Can people or species switch between different genders?
. What does love look like in your world?
. What does hate look like in your world?

The quality of your world's leaders and their decisions impacts the quality of your world, for better or worse. It affects the people in your world for better or worse, which determines the public's reaction.
. Is one government in charge of the entire world, or are there different leaders and systems for different countries?
. What type of government is it (democracy, monarchy, socialist)?
. Who is/are the "ruler/rulers"? What are they like?
. How much are people in your world controlled by the government?
. How do people in general feel about the government, leaders, and laws?
. Does a person with more wealth and connections to people in power receive benefits?
. What are some of your world's laws?
. How are these laws enforced?
. What are the punishments for breaking the laws?
. How long does a "ruler" or elected official stay in power?
. What are the different branches of the government?
.Are there any cults in your world?
. Are there any private organizations (For instance, FBI, CIA, or counsels)?
. What is the currency in your world? How does it work?
. What is the average income of someone in your world?
. Does minimum wage exist? How much is it?
. At what age can a person get a job in your world?
. Does slavery exist? If so, where, and who is enslaved? If not, has slavery ever existed in the past?
. Are there any important, legal documents in your world? (Constitution, Bill of Rights, Magna Carta)?
. How do trials work in your world?
. How does the school system in your world work?
. At what age do students "graduate"?
. Do laws differ locally? If so, how and why?
. How does citizenship work in your world? What does someone have to do to become a citizen? Is anyone allowed to become a citizen?
. Can certain classes or races not become citizens in different countries? Why?
. How are wars fought and settled?
. Are there militaries in your world? What is their purpose, and how are they different?
. Are people accused of crimes innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?
. How do prisons operate?
. Are there any banks in your world? If so, how do they work?
. Are there any trading systems in your world? If so, how do they work?
. How does debt work in your world? How is paid and is it fair?
. Does your world operate more on major corporations, or small businesses?
. Are farmers wealthy or poor?
. What jobs bring in the most money?
. What is the government's main concern? What problems are they focused on the most (global warming, funding research for certain diseases, ending poverty)?
. What is one major flaw the government has?
. Does everyone have the same rights? (Healthcare, privacy, money, freedom of speech)?

Religion and culture are a defining element of the people in your world. Both grow the world and make it a unique, diverse, and interesting place.
. What are the different religions in your world?
. How do these religions differ from each other?
. Can someone not agree with any of these religions, or be biased to them (atheist)?
. Do the practicers of these religions completely disagree with each other, or do they agree on some things?
. Who or what is worshipped in each of these religions?
. Can a person blend these religions together if they want?
. What are some religious practices each of these groups preforms?
. Can two people of different religions get married?
. Where do people go to worship?
. Do people who are active in these practices teach about their religion (priests, missionaries, bishops)?
. What are some symbols the religions in your world use ( Star of David, the cross, the eight-spoked dharmacakra for Buddhism, Aum for Hinduism?) What do these symbols represent?
. Are there any customs for when a person enters/exits a place of worship?
. Are there any books associated with the religions in your world (The Bible, Quran, Torah)?
. Do these religions have any descriptions/ beliefs of the afterlife?
. Do these religions believe in one God, or multiple gods?
. What do these religions consider "sins"?
. Have two people of different cultures/ races/ ethnicities ever married?
. How do different cultures raise their children?
. What are some different folklore legends for different cultures?
. How do people of different cultures dress?
. Do manners change across different cultures?
. What are some beliefs of certain religions/cultures that others would call "weird"?
. Do people of other cultures mingle together?
. Does geography/scenery change across different cultures/regions?
. What is the origin or history of these cultures and religions?
. Does family structure change across different cultures?
. Are there different branches of each religion (Like how Christianity has Catholicism, Mormonism, Baptists, ect.)
. Are different things considered "scandalous" across different religions and cultures (Tatoos, piercings, divorce)
. Do different religions/cultures have different marriage customs?
. Do these religions/cultures have festivals that they celebrate?
. Do these religions/cultures have certain holidays they celebrate (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Passover)?

The land is part of what makes a world a world. An environment, an ecosystem--a world couldn't be a world without the very things that make it inhabitable.
. How are plants categorized in your world (Roots, flowers, weeds, perennials, evergreens)?
.What do typical plants look like in your world (are they usually green like they are in the real world)?
. Do grass and trees exist in your world? If so, what do they look like?
. What do flowers look like in your world? Are there different kinds?
. What do plants need to grow in your world (sun, water, air)
. What kinds of fruit do trees grow? Do all trees grow fruit? Can trees grow something BESIDES fruit?
. Do leaves fall off of trees through the seasons?
. Are all plants edible?
. Do certain parts of some plants have to be cut off before they can be edible?
. What are plants/flowers/ trees typically used for?
. Can people brew flowers/ herbs into tea?
. What are some examples of poisonous plants/flowers/or fruits in your world?
. What are examples of some plants that grow underground and aboveground?
. How are plants/trees/fruits harvested in your world?
. Are there any plants that are not necessarily poisonous, but annoying, and people try to get rid of them? (poison ivy, weeds, kudzo)
.What are some rare plants?
. What are some different fungi in your world?
. Are the mushrooms in your world edible?
. Are there any greenhouses or botanical gardens in your world?
. How are plants researched?
. Can people be allergic to plants in your world?
.How are seasonings and spices made in your world?
. Can plants be used as remedies and curses for certain diseases?
. How are plants pollinated or spread?
. What are some natural remedies plants can be used for besides diseases? (acne, skin conditions, nightmares)
. Are some plants in your world believed to have special abilities?
. What species is at the top of the food chain in your world?
. How are animals classified in your world (vertebrates, invertebrates, mammals, carnivores, omnivores)?
. How are animals studied in your world?
. What are some land animals in your world?
. What are some water-dwelling animals in your world?
. What is the weirdest animal in your world?
. What are some of the most dangerous animals in your world (sharks, snakes, spiders, bears)?
. What are some of the cutest, friendliest animals in your world? (dogs, cats, birds)
. Can animals be domesticated and serve as pets in your world?
. What are some mystical or magical animals in your world (unicorns, dragons)?
. What are some animals people in your world have said they have seen, but no one is sure if they really exist or not (Bigfoot, Yeti)?

Magic ignites and fuels your world in an almost indescribable way. It's thrilling--it makes the impossible possible
. What is the purpose of the magic in your world? (Remember: the magic in your book should serve a purpose for your story)
. What are the rules and boundaries of this magic?
.Can this magic bring people back from the dead?
. Can it make people fall in love?
. What effect does it have on the universe? Can it stop time? Can it reverse it? Can it make objects make objects completely disappear?
. Does everyone have these magical abilities?
. Does the magic in your world have a source?
. Who can practice this magic?
. Are you born with the magic, or do you learn it, or develop it?
. How is the magic performed? Do you need a wand, or do beams of light come out of your fingers?
. Do you need to know any spells to perform the magic?
. Can anyone be more masterful or powerful at performing this magic?
. Is there anything that can restrain these powers? (A weakness. Like kryptonite)
. Does the use of this magic involve any science or other required knowledge?
. Can you push your magic to the limits in your world? (For example: Use to much magic and then become exhausted, or not be able to use it for a while?)
. How long does it take to cast a spell \,and is there anything you need to do it?
. Can two practicers of this magic combine their powers to create an even more powerful spell?
. How much is known about the laws and physics of the magic in your universe?
. Is practicing this magic against the law?
. Does practicing this magic require any self-sacrifice? (Like Jedi training)
. Can the ability to use this magic be stripped from a person entirely? Is anyone in your world strong enough to do that to someone?
. Is there a difference between miracles and magic in your world? If so, what?
. Do magicians require any special studying or training before they can perform their magic by themselves (like Hogwarts in Harry Potter)? How long does this take?
In the End, Just Remember....
World-building is a complicated and necessary part of writing a fictional story. It can be frustrating, and it requires an annoying and tedious amount of patience. But if Rome wasn't built in a day, an entire world and universe DEFINITELY wasn't.
It's okay if you can't answer all of these questions definitely yet. This list is simply meant to jog your creativity.
Just remember, you had an idea. A little spark of an idea, now you have to refine it and grow it.
If you are still looking for more tips on world-building, I recommend taking a look at Genesis World Builder , or Word Scribe. Both are downloadable apps that allow you to keep track of and input new information about your world in one, easy-to-navigate place.
Thank you for reading!
And happy writing and world-building!
-Gracelyn (G.E.M With a Pen)